Analyzing The Relationship Between Library Utilization and Academic Success as Well as Reading Habits

Imran Ali
MPhil Scholar in Education
Institute of Education and Research, Faculty of Arts, Gomal University, D-I Khan
Email: [email protected]

Nousheen Munawar
Senior lecture in college Management and sciences Karachi.
Aimon Iqbal
MS Research scholar Senior lecture in college of Management and sciences Karachi.
Farrukh Fazal
BS commerce Abdul Latif university Khairpur
Zakirullah Khan
BS in international Relation from university of Peshawar

The present study was conducted to analyze the impact of library uses on academic success and reading habits. The main objectives of the study were to analyze the students use a library to study in advance the tomorrow lectures, and to explore the use of library increases the communication skills of the and to compare the results between library user students and not using library students. The study was delimited to high and higher secondary schools of District Dera Ghazi Khan. One hundred students participated in their selection as a sample of the study. Percentage, Mean, Std. Deviation and Inferential statistics (Independent sample t-test) was utilized for the analysis of data. After the findings and facts, it was concluded that the majority of students agreed to use the library. While-Reading habit plays the important role in the examination as well as improving reading habits. Daily use of the library enhances the communication skills of a student. This study indicated that many students increase their confidence level.
Keywords: Library, Utilization, Academic, Success
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