Guidelines for Authors
- Uswa Journel for Research (UJR) is a peer-reviewed journal.
- UJR is bi-annual and bi-lingual. Papers can be submitted in either in English or Urdu.
- The UJR is open for all unpublished papers falling under any discipline related to Social Sciences, and Humanities.
- Article must have an appropriate title and a number of sections. The article ,, c vv should include the purpose/objectives of the research, review of literature methods of the study, main body, a summery, conclusions and references.
- These author(s) details should be included:
a) Full Name
b) Designation
c) Name of the Organization
d) City
e) Country &
f) E-mail ID.
- Abstract: All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract. Abstract should not exceed 150-200 words.
- Key Words: Authors must mention 5-10 key words. Key words should be listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end.
- Papers should be written according to the standards and principles of the research work.
- Manuscript: Manuscripts must be between 4000 – 7000 words. Utmost care should be taken to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors.
- Similarities should not exceed 15%.
- References in English should be as:
a. For Article Reference:
Ahmed, Rana Navid , Sadia Shaukat, and Muhammad Abiodullah . 2009. “Role of Different Educational Systems in the Development of Moral and Social Traits in Pakistani Students.” Journal of Behavioural Sciences 19 (10): 60-73.
b. For Book Reference:
Aamili, Hurre. 2010. AL Wasail . Najaf: Ahya E Turath Arabi.
c. For Encyclopedia References
CH. Pellat, “Hayawan” the encyclopedia of islam, eds.B. Lewis V. L Menage. CH. Pellat and J. Schacht (Leiden. E. J. Brill.1986) 3:305.
d. For Website References
McDonalds Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts” McDonald’s Corporation, accessed July 71, 2008 http//
- Submission Guidelines for Authors
a) Manuscript must be submitted electronically through the editor email address ([email protected])
b) Articles shall be in MS-Word 2013 duly formatted according to the guidelines and publication policy of the UJR.
c) Acceptance of a paper is subject to the approval of the chief editor and. reviewers.
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