Leadership Styles of Principals
and their Effects on Teachers’ Commitment at College
Mahboob Ali Shigari
(MPhil Education NUML Islamabad)
Dr. Hokam Dad Malik
(Ex. HoD Education, NUML)
This present study was designed with the primary objectives to explore the leadership style used by principals at colleges and the effects of different leadership styles of principals on the organizational commitment of teachers. The population of the study consisted of all the male principals and teachers of Rawalpindi District of Punjab, however, data were collected from 17 principals and 307 teachers by using simple random sampling technique and census sampling technique. Data were interpreted through SPSS and different statistical techniques such as Correlation and Regression were applied for the purpose of data analysis. The results described that there was a significant relationship between autocratic and democratic leadership styles of principals and organizational commitment of teachers, but there was no significant relationship between the Laissez-fair leadership style of principals and organizational commitment of teachers. There were three null hypotheses, however, two of them were rejected, and only one was accepted because autocratic leadership style has a significant effect on organizational commitment and on continuance commitment but it has no significant effect on the effective and the normative commitments of teachers. Democratic leadership style has a significant effect on the whole organizational commitment. Whereas, Laissez-fair leadership style has no significant effect on organizational commitment.
Keywords: Leadership style, Organizational commitment, Effect.